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Electrophysiology Procedures
Watchman Procedure
What is Watchman?
How does Watchman work ?
How the watchman is implanted?
How do I prepare for watchman implantation?
What happens after Watchman implantation?
See all 6 articles
Lead extraction procedure
What is lead extraction?
Why do I need a lead extraction?
How is lead extraction performed?
How do I prepare for a lead extraction procedure?
What happens after lead extraction?
See all 6 articles
EP study
What is EP study?
Why do i need an EP study?
What happens during EP study?
How do I prepare for an EP study?
What are the risks associated with an EP study?
See all 6 articles
Cardiac resynchronization therapy
What is Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT)?
Why do i need a cardiac resynchronization therapy?
What happens during a cardiac resynchronization therapy?
Preparing for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
What happens after the CRT device is inserted?
See all 7 articles
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator
What is an ICD?
Why do I need an ICD?
How do I prepare for an ICD?
What happens after an ICD?
What are the risks associated with an ICD?
See all 7 articles
Pacemaker placement
What is pacemaker placement?
Why do I need an pacemaker placement?
How to prepare for a pacemaker placement?
What happens after a pacemaker placement?
What are the risks associated with a pacemaker placement?
See all 19 articles
Subcutaneous ICD
What is subcutaneous ICD and how it is placed?
How do I prepare for a S-ICD implant?
What to expect during your recovery after an S-ICD implant?
¿Cómo me preparo para un implante S-ICD?
¿Qué esperar durante su recuperación después de un implante S-ICD?
Electrical cardioversion
Electrical Cardioversion
Electrical Cardioversion: Before Your Procedure
Electrical cardioversion: During the procedure
Cardioversión eléctrica
Cardioversión eléctrica: antes de su procedimiento
See all 6 articles
Transthoracic echocardiogram
Transthoracic Echocardiogram (TTE)
Transesophageal echocardiogram
How is Trans Esophageal Echocardiogram (TEE) done ?
Implantable loop recorder
What is an implantable loop recorder?
Why do I need an implantable loop recorder?
Information on Implantable loop recorder and minor risks associated with it
Preparation and monitoring of ILR placement and ablation procedure
What happens during a loop recorder implantation procedure?
See all 18 articles
Catheter Ablation
What is Catheter Ablation?
Catheter Ablation
How do I prepare for a Catheter Ablation?
How do I prepare for a Catheter Ablation & Loop Implant
¿Qué es la ablación con catéter?
See all 9 articles
Tikosyn (Dofetilide)
Preparing for Tikosyn (Dofetilide) Admission
Generator change procedure
Recovery after a Generator Change Procedure
Preparation for Generator Change Procedure
Remote Monitoring of Patients on Cardiac Electronic Implants
Recuperación después de un procedimiento de cambio de batería de marcapasos
Preparación para el procedimiento de cambio de batería del marcapasos
Union Health
Embracing a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle