We have tools to assist you if you have recently been diagnosed with lung cancer, someone you care about has been diagnosed, or you are worried about the risk. The following is a comprehensive guide to lung cancer.

1. Lung Cancer Risk Factors:

Although doctors cannot always understand why one person develops lung cancer while another does not, there are some risk factors that have been linked to an increased risk of lung cancer in studies.

These are some of the risk factors:

  • Tobacco smoke-  By far the most significant risk factor for lung cancer is smoking. Smoking is believed to be responsible for about 80% of lung cancer deaths. Lung cancer is considerably more common in smokers than in nonsmokers. The greater your risk, the longer you smoke, and the more packs you smoke per day. Click here to for a "Plan that will help you Quit Tobacco"

Click here to learn more on "Risk Factors of Lung Cancer"

2. Lung Cancer Screening:

With the help of screening, lung cancer can be detected early. Lung cancer screening means checking for cancer before there are any symptoms.

Click here to learn more on "When to get your Lung Cancer Screening done?

3. Diagnosing Lung Cancer

To detect lung cancer and it's spread to other areas of the body, a variety of tests are used. Some tests may also assist in determining which treatments are most effective. Health history, imaging tests, laboratory tests, biopsies, and biomarker tests are among the steps and tests used to diagnose lung cancer.

Click here to learn "The Definitive Diagnosis of Lung Cancer"

4. Types and Staging of Lung Cancer

Following a cancer diagnosis, staging is used to determine the spread of cancer in the body and would help in anticipating the treatment option for cancer.

Click here to learn more on "Types and Staging of Lung Cancer"

5. Signs and Symptoms of Lung Cancer

While most lung cancers do not cause symptoms until they have spread, some people with early lung cancer do.

Click here to learn about "Signs and Symptoms of Lung Cancer"

6. Treatment Options for Lung Cancer

The patient and the medical team collaborate to develop a lung cancer treatment plan that takes into account a variety of factors. The type and stage of lung cancer, the patient's general health, and the patient's desires are all factors to consider.

Click here to understand "Treatment Options for Lung Cancer"

7. Side effects of Lung Cancer Treatment

Lung cancer treatment may have unpleasant side effects, causing problems in healthy tissues or organs. The side effects of lung cancer treatment vary depending on the particular treatment given, and they often differ from person to person.

"What are the most common side effects, as well as how to handle them?" can be found by clicking here.

8.  Recurrence, Progression, and Metastatic Lung Cancer

A recurrence is cancer that returns after surgery, a progressed cancer is cancer that gets worse, and advanced-stage lung cancer is called Metastatic Lung Cancer.

Click here to Understand better about "Recurrence, Progression, and Metastatic Lung Cancer"

9. Support groups and communities for Lung Cancer

Support groups and communities can provide tremendous support when you are living with lung cancer, or if you are caring for someone with the disease.

Click here to connect to "Lung Cancer Support Groups"

Caregivers, too, need assistance. Make friends, who may help you cope with the stress of caring for others. The Lung Cancer Survivors Online Support Community is a place where people who have been affected by lung cancer can communicate with others who have been through similar experiences and receive support and advice.

Click here to join "support groups for caregivers based on a specific type of lung cancer".

10. Educational Workshops on Lung Cancer

Seminars and seminars offer lung cancer patients the opportunity to engage with experts. We tend to learn about the latest information and potential treatment approaches related to lung cancer by discussing important issues and concerns of the specific type of lung cancer.

Please click here to connect to "Different educational workshops on Lung Cancer"

"What are the most common side effects, as well as how to handle them?

"What are the most common side effects, as well as how to handle them?