The four pillars of health which can optimize your immune system are:

  • Sleep- at least 7 hours of sleep a night keeps you healthy
  • Eat healthy- eat fruits and vegetables
  • Exercise- Daily doing exercise keeps you healthy
  • Avoid bad habits- avoid smoking and alcohol as it makes you more susceptible to the disease

People asked to stay home due to illness, exposure or active community spread of COVID-19 will likely be cut off from their regular routines for at least two weeks, the estimated incubation period for the virus. Older adults, people with pre-existing mental health conditions and health-care workers helping with the response to the coronavirus may have an increased risk of experiencing psychological distress when they engage in social distancing, quarantine or isolation. People with disabilities who require specialized diets, medical supplies, assistance from caregivers and other accommodations are also at risk for psychological challenges during a pandemic because of the increased difficulties in receiving the care they require. They may experience:

  • Fear and anxiety
  • Depression and boredom
  • Anger, frustration or irritability
  • Stigmatization

How to cope up with this situation:

  • Limit news consumption to reliable sources
  • Create and follow a daily routine
  • Stay virtually connected with others
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • Use psychological strategies to manage stress and stay positive

The following are some tips on how to stay active and reduce sedentary behavior while at home in self-quarantine: 

  • Take short active breaks during the day.  
  • Follow an online exercise class. 
  • Walk around or walking on spot can help you remain active.
  • Stand up- Ideally, aim to interrupt sitting and reclining time every 30 minutes.  
  • Relax- Meditation and deep breaths can help you remain calm.