This guide explains what to expect before, during, and after your MRI Enterography (MRE) exam.

Before Your Exam

  • Eating and Drinking:
    • Avoid heavy meals for 3 hours before your appointment.
    • You can have clear liquids (see approved list below) and light food (see approved list below) up until your arrival.
    • Medications are okay with a small sip of water.
  • Metal Implants and Tattoos:
    • Bring any ID cards for implanted devices you have.
    • Let your doctor know if you have claustrophobia or trouble lying flat for long periods.
  • Children:
    • Unfortunately, childcare is not available during your exam. Please arrange for supervision beforehand.
  • Valuables: Leave jewelry and valuables at home.
  • Wait Time: Bring something to occupy yourself in case of a wait (book, magazine, music player).
  • COVID-19: Wear a mask to your appointment, and the MRI room will be sanitized before your arrival.

Upon Arrival

  • Safety Questionnaire: 
    • You will answer questions to confirm an MRI is safe for you.
  • Procedure Explanation: 
    • A technologist will explain the procedure and answer your questions.
  • Changing: 
    • You will be given a gown to change into.
  • Contrast Drink: 
    • You will drink a special contrast solution over an HOUR to fill your intestines. This helps doctors see abnormalities.
    • Adults drink 45 ounces (children will receive a weight-based amount).
    • You may feel full and need to use the restroom during this time. Loose stools are expected after the exam.
  • IV Placement: 
    • An intravenous (IV) line will be placed in your arm for contrast injection during the exam. You may feel a cool sensation and a metallic taste in your mouth briefly when the contrast is injected.

During Your Exam

  • Scan Position: 
    • You will lie flat on your back on the scanning table.
  • Comfort Measures: 
    • Pillows and cushions will be provided for comfort. Pads will be placed on your belly for the scan.
  • Slowing Bowel Movement: 
    • You will receive medication through the IV to slow your bowel movements for better image quality.
  • MRI Machine: 
    • The scanning table will slide you into the MRI machine.
  • Noise: 
    • Earplugs will be provided to reduce loud noises during the scan.
  • Communication: 
    • You can talk to the technologist throughout the exam.
  • Breath Holding: 
    • You may need to hold your breath for short periods during the scan.
  • Exam Length: 
    • The scan will take approximately 45 minutes.

After Your Procedure

  • Resume Normal Activities: 
    • There are no restrictions after the exam. You can eat, drive, and resume normal activities.
    • If you received relaxation medication, you will need someone to drive you home.
  • Results: 
    • A radiologist will interpret your exam, and a report will be sent to your doctor for review with you.

Approved Light Foods

  • Toast
  • Rice
  • Crackers
  • Eggs
  • Plain bagel
  • Well-cooked vegetables without skin
  • Lean meat, chicken, or fish
  • Jell-O
  • Italian Ice

Approved Clear Liquids

  • Coffee (no milk)
  • Tea (no milk)
  • Water
  • Apple, Cranberry & Grape Juice
  • Gatorade
  • Clear Broth
  • Ginger ale
  • Seltzer