Use Staging URL

All testing will be done in the staging environment. Once all items within the UAT sheet have been thoroughly tested and passed, the assets can then be promoted to production. You can access the Rx.Health platform in staging at this URL here

Account Credentials

Be sure to share the list of all users who will be participating in testing with your project manager. They will create accounts for these users and share the credentials directly with them. They will also ensure that these accounts have the "Set Current Date" feature enabled in order to "push" or send messages without having to wait for the messages to be sent based on when they are scheduled to go out. We will review how this feature works when we cover the process for pushing messages.

Different Types of Workflows

All workflows have unique UAT sheets that reflect the intricacies of a specific workflow. How you test appointment reminders will differ from how you test 1:1 prescriptions. Your project manager will walk you through this process and will be happy to answer any questions that you have to ensure testing is done correctly. Please review the notes below that relate to the type of workflow you will be testing.

Appointment Reminders through Epic

The testing of appointment reminder builds will require you to schedule 2-3 appointments through your EHR for each individual appointment type in order to verify all of the reply options are working as expected. You will need a scheduler on your end that is able to schedule appointments directly through your EHR using a test patient. Once scheduled, these appointments will appear on the Rx.Health dashboard. While the testing we do internally is done on the backend of the platform with our quality assurance team prior to passing it off to you for UAT, we need to ensure our systems are integrated properly and these messages are being processed as expected. If your appointment reminders are supported in multiple languages and communication preferences (SMS/IVR), these builds will need to be thoroughly tested as well.

Automated/1:1 Prescriptions

For more comprehensive clinical programs whose workflows are developed to include things like medication instructions, procedure prep instructions, educational articles, surveys, custom dashboard alerts, as well as appointment reminders, there are a couple different ways that these messages can be sent. These use cases are typically supported for SMS and/or email patient communication preferences due to the limitations associated with sharing links through IVR. For some use cases, a procedure code is added where every time our system recognizes a particular type of procedure is being scheduled, it will enroll the patient in the workflow automatically. These are referred to as automated prescriptions. 

Other times, your clinical coordinators will use the "Prescribe" feature located above the dashboard filter options on the top right by manually inputting the patient's procedure information and enroll that individual patient in the workflow. This is referred to as a 1:1 (one to one) prescription. Automated prescriptions require procedure code configuration, while 1:1 prescriptions will be sent directly through the Rx.Health dashboard in both the staging and production environments. Below is an example of the interface used to fill out patient procedure information in order to send 1:1 prescriptions.

Pushing Messages

All messages are configured to follow a predefined cadence or timing for when the message will be sent to the patient. Some messages are configured to be sent at the time of prescription or at the time the appointment is scheduled. This timing is referred to as "immediate", while other messages follow a T- or T+ structure in a reference to a certain amount of days before or after the procedure/appointment. The T-/T+ scheduled messages will also be configured to be sent at a specific time during the day. Verifying that this timing is correct based on the expected functionality is an important part of the testing process. Upon scheduling an appointment, you will see all the messages and the time they are expected to be sent for that particular workflow on the Rx.Health dashboard. Keep in mind the appointment date that was selected for this appointment, so you can first verify that the messages you are testing are configured to the correct timing before proceeding to the next step. 

To expedite the testing process and circumvent the need to wait to receive the messages, testing users will utilize the "Set Current Date" feature represented by the pencil icon on the queued message in order to push messages through immediately to their device. To push these messages through, select the pencil icon, select "Set Current Date", then select update and you will see a pop-up confirming that the execution was successful. 

Note: Always review the testing items based on the message that you receive on your device and not by what you see in the prescription view on the platform. Message formats may differ from what is seen in the platform, so you want to test as though you are the patient receiving this particular message.  

UAT Sheets

In order to help make the testing process as smooth as possible, your project team will provide a custom User Acceptance Testing or "UAT" sheet that you will utilize to ensure all testing items are addressed and approved. The UAT sheet will be an excel sheet modeled after the workflows that you plan to implement at your site. This excel sheet will include each message that will be sent throughout the workflow with a checklist for each component of the message that needs to be approved. As shown in the screenshot provided below, this checklist of items will include things like verifying the timing, message language, correct population of variables (ex. patient name, dept address, etc.), confirmation/cancellation messages, and links to patient resources. 

When a checklist item is tested and approved, you will mark it as "pass" or "fail" in the "Pass?" column of the UAT sheet. It is helpful to include a comment as to why a particular item failed within the "Comments" column of the UAT sheet along with a screenshot wherever applicable. Only once all checklist items have been passed will the workflows be ready for go-live. We typically dedicate one week of the project to UAT. We understand this can be one of the more time-consuming tasks throughout the project, so we will do everything we can to familiarize you with the process and offer additional assistance.