The following messages indicate 'yes' was selected for all the medication variables at the time of prescription. If 'no' is selected for a medication variable at the time of prescription, the relevant medication instructions will not be sent as part of the message. 

Sent Immediately:

EP Program Introduction Video

Sent- 1 day later after the prescription 9 am: Please note ' None' will be replaced with any free text medication instructions that are entered at the time of prescription. If nothing is entered, the space will be blank

Pre-operation medication instructions

Catheter ablation for AV node video

Sent- 1 day after the prescription 5 pm

Sent- 22 days before the procedure at 9 AM

Sent- 11 days before the procedure at 9 AM: Please note ' None' will be replaced with any free text medication instructions that are entered at the time of prescription. If this space is left blank, this message will not be sent to the patient 

Sent- 10 days before the procedure at 5 PM

  • Triggered if replied 1

  • Triggered if replied 2

Sent- 9 days prior to procedure at 9AM

Sent- 7 days prior to procedure at 9AM


Sent- 7 days before the procedure at 5 PM

  • Triggered if replied 1

  • Triggered if replied 2

Sent- 6 days prior to procedure at 9AM

Pre-procedure medication instructions

Sent- 5 days prior to procedure at 9AM

Pre-procedure medication instructions

Sent- 4 days prior to procedure at 9AM

Sent- 3 days prior to procedure at 9AM

Sent- 3 days before the procedure at 5 PM

  • Triggered if replied 1

  • Triggered if replied 2

Sent- 2 days prior to procedure at 9AM

Sent- 1 day prior to procedure at 9AM

Sent- 1 day prior to procedure at 12PM

Learn about how to be ready for your surgery

Sent- Day of procedure at 5pm

Catheter ablation post-procedural instructions

Sent- 1 day post procedure at 9AM

Sent- 1 day post procedure at 5PM

Post-procedural care video 

Catheter ablation care 

Sent- 2 days post procedure at 9AM

Sent- 2 days before the follow-up appointment at 9AM

Patient experience survey

  • Triggered if replied 8

Sent- 5 months post procedure at 9AM

Sent- 11 months post procedure at 9AM