Q. What is Occupational Wellness?

Occupational wellness entails being satisfied with your job or volunteer activities, striking a healthy work-life balance, and ensuring that you are assisting someone or something that is important to you.

Q. How do I achieve Occupational Wellness at work after returning from cancer treatment?

To begin, speak with your employer about whether there are any options open to you, such as flextime, job sharing, working from home (telecommuting), or other alternatives that might help you ease back into the demands of your job. We've put together a few pointers to help you achieve workplace health at work.

  • Look to nature for inspiration - go outside and take photos of your surroundings
  • Create a scene outside your window by drawing or painting it
  • Find new hobbies and make new friendships with people who share your interests
  • Try new things and visit new places
  • Think of a new mini goal each day 
  • Sculpting, singing, and songwriting are all examples of creative expression
  • Volunteer for a cause that interests you
  • Don't give up; stay inspired to achieve your goals
  • To help you achieve your workplace health goals, improve your skills and knowledge
  • Engage with your coworkers
  • Find a work/life balance to avoid overworking yourself
  • Take pleasure in what you do, and do what you love.
  • Make a list of your professional goals and a roadmap to achieve them, and stick to it.

Q. Do I need to tell my co-workers about my cancer treatment?

It's entirely up to you how transparent you are with your colleagues about your cancer and how you're doing aftercare. Your interaction with your colleagues will decide whether or not you want to share something with them and how much you want to share. You are not obligated to share or justify something. You and your condition are the only ones that can decide what is best for you.

Please watch the below video on "Returning to Work After Cancer Treatment?"

References- Returning to Work After Cancer Treatment. (n.d.). Www.cancer.org. Retrieved March 17, 2021, from https://www.cancer.org/treatment/finding-and-paying-for-treatment/understanding-financial-and-legal-matters/working-during-and-after-treatment/returning-to-work-after-cancer-treatment.html

Occupational Wellness. (2020, March 19). Health & Wellness. https://www.unh.edu/health/wellnessself-care/wellness-wheel/occupational-wellness