When a person is diagnosed with cancer, they frequently feel a wide spectrum of emotions, as well as a strong desire to begin treatment as soon as possible. Depending on the form and stage of cancer, there is usually a period of time before therapy starts after a new diagnosis. Obtaining a second opinion during this period can be a significant and appropriate aspect of treating one's condition.

How can a second opinion help me?

It's always a good idea to get a second opinion. A second opinion could be a significant and essential aspect of treating a diagnosis. A second opinion helps in:

  • Getting confirmation of your diagnosis
  • Identifying whether cancer has spread
  • obtaining additional insights from experts in multiple fields of expertise (such as a radiation oncologist or surgical oncologist)
  • Identifying clinical trials or alternative treatments that might be appropriate for your care.
  • Identifying alternative care choices
  • Assisting you in making decisions about your treatment.

5 Signs you should seek a second opinion on your lung cancer treatment

1. You aren't being cared for by specialists.
Your condition and care plan should be reviewed by a physician or group of physicians who specialize in lung cancer. Thoracic oncologists, for example, who specialize in lung cancer, are the most up-to-date on lung cancer care protocols and new therapies. You should get a second opinion from a large hospital, such as one associated with a university or a large medical institute.

2. Your doctor refuses to talk about tumor testing 
Tumor testing searches for unique markers, also known as biomarkers or genomic markers, on your tumor. The outcomes of this testing aid in determining your care choices. Patients with non-small cell lung cancer should have this form of testing completed. If your doctor declines or is unable to discuss tumor testing, you should seek a second opinion.
3. Your doctor tells you there is nothing to be done
The question of prognosis is a complicated one. Treatment decisions should be taken with careful thought and negotiation with the healthcare team. It might be time to get a second opinion if you believe your doctor is ignoring your case and not giving you hope.

4. Your doctor gets upset when you ask questions.
It's always important to feel at ease while asking doubts. One should be satisfied with the responses from the caregivers. Read as much detail as you can and talk to your doctor about your treatment options.
5.  Your doctor makes you feel like you are to blame for your cancer.
Lung cancer is a disease that no one deserves. You are not to blame for your cancer, regardless of your medical background. It's time to get a second opinion if you think your doctor lacks compassion.

Use your own good judgment and choose the path that gives you the most peace.

Not all second opinions will help you make a better decision. Your second opinion doctor may recommend a treatment option that differs significantly from the first. Some people also seek third and fourth advice from doctors who are well-known in their profession, with each doctor recommending a different course of action. Just because two doctors take different approaches does not necessarily imply that one is superior to the other.


1. Top 5 Signs You Should Seek a Second Opinion about Your Lung Cancer Treatment. (n.d.). Www.Lung.Org. Retrieved November 5, 2020, from https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/lung-cancer/patients/treatment/decide-on-a-treatment/second-opinion

‌2. When to Get a Second Opinion | Lungcancer.org. (n.d.). Www.Lungcancer.Org. Retrieved November 5, 2020, from https://www.lungcancer.org/find_information/publications/264-when_to_get_a_second_opinion