At some point, we've all tossed and turned, trying to relax and fall asleep. Music, TV shows, movies, and podcasts appear to be just as many promised multimedia solutions for restlessness before bed as there are people who experience it. So, here are our picks for the best podcasts to help you fall asleep, as well as a couple of podcasts about sleep science.
1. ‘Sleep with Me’ Drew Ackerman, also known as "Dearest Scooter," tells a story about a variety of tedious subjects in a monotonous and narrative style that is intended to cause the mind to wander away from the story's subject matter and fall asleep. Available from Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, Soundcloud. | 2.‘SleepMeditation Podcast’ One of the most common aural sleep aids used by people who can't sleep is white noise. It also encourages listeners to submit their favorite sleep sounds to be featured on an upcoming episode. Available from Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Spotify. | 3. 'Radiolab' The hosts Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich and their chemistry compel their deep dives into diverse topics, all with a childlike curiosity guided by a stated investment in seeking the truth at the heart of befuddling or controversial stories. Available from Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher. | 4. ‘Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me!’ The long-running National Public Radio (NPR) news quiz “Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me!” is a current events call-in game show famous for devotion to weekly show format and revolving door of comedian guest panelists that host Peter Sagal has made jokes about its listeners at home falling asleep before the show ends. Available from Apple Podcasts, NPR, Google Podcasts, Stitcher |