Quitting smoking is important for those who have been diagnosed with lung cancer, Control is essential for lowering the risk of lung cancer. Quitting smoking has been shown to help people with lung cancer live longer, even though their cancer is advanced. It has reduced the chances of relapse or having another lung cancer, especially in people with early-stage lung cancer.

We have a plan to help you quit and a few tips to succeed.

1.  Make a Plan to Quit 

     If you plan ahead of time and create a plan that fits your lifestyle, you'll be more likely to quit smoking for good.

1. SET- Pick a date within the next seven days to quit.2. CHOOSESELECT A METHOD- Either go cold turkey or gradually.3. DECIDE- Determine whether you need medical assistance or nicotine replacement.
4. PREPARE- Prepare a strategy for dealing with urges and cravings.
5. QUITOn your quit day, resign.

2. Tips to Succeed

Make serious attempts to quit smoking, many people need several attempts before they can remain abstinent from smoking.


1. How Can I Quit Smoking? (n.d.). https://www.heart.org/-/media/files/healthy-living/pe-abh how-can-i-quit-smoking-ucm_300457.pdf?la=en