Q- Do I need a Heart Failure Action Plan?

If any new signs or symptoms appear, your Action Plan will provide clear directions for you and your carers to follow. You and your doctor can work together to create a plan that is tailored to your unique type and class of heart failure, as well as your functional skills. Knowing what to do and when can be difficult, and if you don't have a plan in place, it can be stressful.

Everyone with heart failure should have an action plan to guide their self-care at home, according to cardiologists. A self-check or action plan for heart failure

A typical plan, according to the American Heart Association, can be divided into three zones:

  • GREEN- Stable 
You haven't noticed any changes in heart failure symptoms or indicators. Your weight has remained constant. You're not experiencing any chest pain or shortness of breath. Follow your treatment plan and daily weight checks as directed. Inquire with your doctor about your ideal weight.

  • YELLOW- Warning 
If you experience a new cough, shortness of breath when exercising, significant swelling in your legs or feet, or if you gain 2 to 5 pounds in a week, see your doctor. You don't need to go to the doctor, but you should be cautious. It's possible that all you need is a change in your diet or medication.

  • RED- Danger
If you have heart failure and gain more than 5 pounds in a week, are unable to lie flat, have shortness of breath at rest, increased swelling and discomfort in the lower body, or have a persistent, hacking cough, go to the emergency hospital or phone your local emergency number.

Please click here for Action Plan of Heart Failure

Following your action plan to the full might help your doctor treat any new health issues that arise more quickly and better manage your care. If you follow your self-care or action plans, you may have fewer hospital admissions or shorter hospital stays, especially if you are under 65.

Also, if you're sad or depressed, make sure to tell your doctor. It may be tough to keep to your action plan and overall treatment if you are depressed. You might feel better if you get the right treatment.

Watch the below video on Warning Signs of Heart failure

References- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heart-failure/expert-answers/heart-failure-action-plan/faq-20433731
