Q- How to Login into Rx.Health RPM Dashboard?

1. Go to https://rx-dashboard.azurewebsites.net/ in google chrome

2. Enter your username (Facility email) and default password (Password123!)

3. Welcome to Rx.Health RPM Dashboard

 Q- What are the features of Rx. Health RPM Dashboard?

1. Risk Assessment of the Vitals

Risk Assessment
Mild Risk
Moderate Risk
Urgent Medication Attention Required


           2.  Patient Details and Kit Status

  • By clicking on the patient's name you can have a view of their demographics, vitals, prescribed digital navigation programs, and their previous notes and chatbots.
  • The Kit Status column indicates whether the patient has received the RPM Kit or not
  • Before you start going through the details always click on the right side start button to record your monitoring time.
  • Once you are done, please DO NOT FORGET to click on the stop button of your monitoring time.  

           3.  Assigned to and Last Engaged Column

  • The Assigned to column shows to which doctor the patient is assigned to.
  • The Last Engaged column indicates the time of the last recorded vital(s)

           4. Clinical Pathway Column

  • The clinical pathway column indicates the prescribed Digital Navigation Program

           5. RPM data and Alerts Column

  • The RPM data column indicates the last recorded vitals
  • The Alert column indicates the number of alerts generated by the user. Click on the alert number and get a detailed view of the alerts, For a better understanding of the vitals, please click on the vital tab. Once you have finished, you can click Mark Resolved

           6. Send a message to your patients and Add a New Patient 

  • You can send a message your patient by clicking on Send Message
  • You can also add a new patient to the Rx. health Dashboard by clicking on Add Patient.

           7. To log out- click on the right corner yellow button and log out.