Maintaining a secure platform includes several factors, procedures, and duties. 


Our duty to take care of security 

Rx.Health consents to the security and privacy prerequisites of the health care industry. Here are the accompanying ways we look after security: 

No patients Information about his/her health is stored in RxHealth servers, so there no information available that can be stolen. 

Point-to-point NIST-endorsed AES 128 piece encryption alongside SHA256 is utilized for all video and sound correspondence; all media and information streams (otherwise known as calls) along with signaling data is encrypted by default. 

No exclusive or closed source software to download and install; patients, customers, and suppliers all access Rx.Health by utilizing trusted and exceptional internet browsers such as Apple, Google, microsoft and Mozilla 

Full volume encryption and 256-piece AES scrambled keys utilized on any information stored at rest with secure backups and vigorous backup arrangements 

HIPAA and HITECH compliant servers with dynamic intrusion detection and log monitoring 

OSSEC intrusion detection, file integrity monitoring, log monitoring, root check, and process monitoring 

Utilize the trusted and secure AWS datacenter framework with their industry standard physical controls ( farm/controls/) 

Signed Business Associates Agreement provided 

Annual HIPAA risk assessments led by trustworthy third party auditors alongside dynamic penetration testing and vulnerability scans  

Auditing, logging, backup and disaster recovery policies and procedures in place

Your duty to look after security 

To consent to HIPAA/HITECH you likewise have a few duties while utilizing Rx.Health: 

Sign the Business Associates Agreement 

Do not share your login email and password with different providers; don't reuse old passwords that may have been compromised 

Keep your browser and operating system modern to ensure the best security 

Install and use antivirus and firewall programs