FCC Application Cheat Sheet :

Application at: https://www.fcc.gov/covid-19-telehealth-program 


Below are some sample answers to application questions (Need customization according to your facility/practice).


Medical Services To Be Provided with COVID-19 Telehealth Funding (check all that apply)

X Patient-Based Internet-Connected Remote Monitoring

Other Monitoring

X Video Consults

X Voice Consults

Imaging Diagnostics

Other Diagnostics

X Remote Treatment Other services


Additional Information on Medical Services to be Provided: Funding will be utilized to deploy Virtual Care Hub to facilitate which enables rapid outreach to patient population, automatic triage through AI enabled bot with referral to and conducting telehealth visits, and continued monitoring and surveillance of patients outside the hospital.


Conditions To Be Treated with COVID-19 Telehealth Funding (answer all that apply)


Would you treat COVID-19 patients directly?

X Yes 



Would you treat patients without COVID-19 symptoms or conditions?

X Yes




If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please check at least one box below)

Other infectious diseases

Emergency / Urgent Care

X Routine, Non-Urgent Care

Mental Health Services (non-emergency)

X Other conditions


Additional Information on Specific Conditions to be Treated: [Required if other conditions is selected] Most patients who will be treated are at a high risk for serious illness from COVID-19 as they have underlying chronic conditions <such as cardiometabolic diseases, Cancer depending on specific specialty practice etc.>  and may be immunocompromised. Moreover, a majority of patients are over the age of 60 <Mention your patient demographics here>, increasing their risk of serious illness. Such patient populations must be protected from exposure to COVID-19, while still receiving quality care for their conditions, whether it involves a routine  examination, a procedure, or post procedure follow-up.




If yes, please explain how using COVID-19 Telehealth Program funding to treat patients without COVID-19 symptoms or conditions would free up resources that will be used to treat COVID-19. (Required if yes) Digital triage through AI based chatbot and referral to telehealth visits, supports effective care management outside the hospital. This triage mechanism routes patients to remote patient monitoring program to monitor exposed, diagnosed and quarantined patients, in addition to general population health surveillance. These features enable patients who are not seriously ill to be managed outside the hospital setting, freeing valuable resources including hospital beds for severely ill COVID-19 patients and reducing the burden on health care personnel.


Additional Information Concerning Requested Services and Devices


What are your goals and objectives for use of the COVID-19 Telehealth Program Funding? The overall goal is to help better manage COVID and non COVID patients outside the hospital with a specific focus to provide care to underserved patient populations. Proper stratification of patients according for their condition and care needs coupled with effective management of a large number of patients outside the hospital will not only protect facilities from risk of infection but will also free up valuable hospital resources and workforce to treat more serious COVID-19 illnesses. Patients triaged outside the hospital and post-discharge are regularly monitored with Remote Patient Monitoring devices like pulse oximeters, connected thermometers and other devices. In addition, electronic outreach and knowledge dissemination is carried out in multiple languages in addition to English and Spanish, to ensure maximum coverage and keeping the population informed about COVID-19 and ensure their general health and wellness.


What is your timeline for deployment of the proposed service(s) or devices funded by the COVID-19 Telehealth Program? Based on the imminent need for telehealth services for both patients and healthcare workers alike, the service and/or product deployment can be activated in 4-5 days.


What factors/metrics will you use to help measure the impact of the services and devices funded by the COVID-19 Telehealth Program? The need for infection prevention and COVID 19 general information guidance is paramount in preventing and managing the spread of infection. Key metrics used to measure the impact of services will include factors such as Patient population outreach and triaged, number of telehealth visits, number of patients managed outside the hospital and resulting efficiency in bed management and workforce utilization helping to treat COVID-19 cases.


How has COVID-19 affected health care in your geographic area (e.g, county)? As of 4/__/2020, _____County has over ________confirmed cases with over _____confirmed deaths. The state of ______has over _____cases and over ______deaths. There is a dire need for more resources and better management of the COVID-19 outbreak.


Please provide additional information about the geographic area and population you serve.  Does it have large underserved or low-income patient population?  Have there been recent health care provider closures or other health care deficiencies? If so, please describe such factors (Optional) Customize according to your geographic area/facility/practice and the current situation 



Do you plan to target the funding to high-risk and vulnerable patients? 

X Yes 


If so, please describe how. Telehealth and digital triage can prevent high risk and vulnerable patients from missing appointments and from being exposed. Electronic outreach features high risk population specific resources in their native languages and guides which can be disseminated to patients. As mentioned previously, this provider site treats an underserved patient population, with many patients suffering from chronic illnesses such as heart disease, with various comorbidities. Many patients are also over the age of 60. Such patients are at a high risk for serious COVID19 illness, and tools such as digital triage, telehealth, and electronic outreach are critical in providing them with quality care and preventing their exposure. 


Please provide any additional information to support your application and request for funding (Optional)

Funding for an end-to-end solution which includes not just telehealth visits but an end-to-end connected care for patients will enable providers to rapidly scale their response to COVID-19 and help manage their high-risk patients, many of whom are underserved.  With COVereD.Health, health systems and facilities can rapidly automate triage to address COVID specific needs, conduct telehealth visits, and monitor their population’s health, all within a single platform that could be deployed immediately. This platform would significantly free up hospital resources for seriously ill COVID patients, as well as provide improved quality of care and protection from exposure to virus for non COVID patients. This funding will be utilized in an area with a large underserved population, with many low-income patients. It will provide linguistically competent care, including answers to FAQs are resources to patients in their native languages. It will also enable telehealth visits, remote patient monitoring, and digital triage, all of which will enable healthcare providers to provide connected care services to patients at their homes in response to COVID-19. This funding will directly enable patients to be treated at home, preventing exposure to COVID-19 and freeing up valuable hospital beds.


Requested Funding Items

Total Amount of Funding Requested: $xxxx


Are you requesting funding for devices?

X Yes 



How are the devices integral to patient care? Tablets and connected devices are necessary to enable telehealth and remote patient monitoring. RPM devices such as pulse oximeters are integral to monitor COVID patients post-discharge. Telehealth and RPM is also necessary for the non-COVID cardiac population in order to continue providing quality care to patients without the risk of exposure to COVID19.


Are the devices for patient use? 

X Yes 



Are the devices for the health care provider’s use?   

X Yes



Category (Optional): Devices


Description of Service(s) and/or Device(s)(Optional) Pulse Oximeter, Connected thermometer and Blood Pressure Monitor with a central hub to collect and transmit data from all devices to the monitoring and surveillance dashboard


Quantity (for Devices)(Optional): ___RPM devices + Telehealth Services (___ provider seats)


Total One-Time Expense(Optional): $_____(Telehealth)+$____ Per Device kit = $_______ 

Date [Purchased or] To Be Purchased (Optional): April 20, 2020


Total Monthly Expense (Optional): $200/Provider+$40 Per device kit per patient = $_____


Number of Months for Recurring Monthly Expenses (Optional): 3