If you are experiencing a flare, contact your healthcare team right away and seek their advice. Your medical team may be able to evaluate your symptoms using a telemedicine visit. Often laboratory testing or imaging can be arranged without the need for you to be seen in the emergency department. 

However, there are times when patients experience severe symptoms that require evaluation in the ER. If your doctor suggests that you need to go to the ER, or if you are unable to contact your doctor or feel that your symptoms are urgent, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency department. Many practices are also holding urgent access office visits to reduce emergency department visits.

Most emergency departments are taking careful precautions to separate patients arriving with respiratory symptoms or possible COVID-19 from patients presenting with other problems. If you feel that your symptoms are emergent, you should still notify your medical team, as they may be able to alert the emergency department prior to your arrival and provide the team with detailed information regarding your disease and your care needs.  

