Currently, anyone who enters the United States after being in China during the past 14 days will have some level of restrictions on their movements.
- Travelers from Hubei Province will be quarantined and actively monitored in a location to be determined by public health authorities for up to 14 days.
- Travelers from other parts of China who do not have any symptoms are being asked to monitor their health and practice social distancing for 14 days.
Social distancing means remaining out of:
- Public places where close contact with others may occur (such as shopping centers, movie theaters, stadiums).
- Workplaces (unless the person works in an office space that allows distancing from others).
- Schools and other classroom settings.
- Local public transportation (such as on a bus, subway, taxi, rideshare, plane, ship)
These restrictions are to be in effect for 14 days from the time the person was possibly exposed.