Here's what you need to know about what happens during the monitoring test:

  • Activity: Go on with your normal everyday routine. During the monitoring time, don't minimize or alter your activities. The tracking results aren't as useful if you change your routine. Note: The receiver is not waterproof, so avoid getting it wet.
  • Eating: Eat your normal meals at regular intervals. If you do not eat during the testing time, your stomach will not produce acid as it normally does, and the test results would be inaccurate. Consume at least two meals a day. Consume foods that aggravate the symptoms (without making yourself miserable). Snacking can be avoided. During the monitoring time, avoid hard candy and lozenges, as well as chewing gum.
  • Lying down: Maintain a straight posture during the day. Don't fall asleep until you've gone to bed (unless napping or lying down during the day is part of your daily routine).
  • Medications: Follow your doctor's instructions on which medications to avoid during the monitoring period.
  • Recording Symptoms: When symptoms arise, press the necessary button on the receiver to record them (as discussed with the nurse). Keep track of when you begin and stop eating and drinking (anything other than plain water). Keep track of how long you lay down (even though you're just resting) and how long it takes you to get back up. All of this will be explained to you by a member of your healthcare team.
  • Odd symptoms or side effects: Call your doctor if you think you're having any unusual symptoms or side effects.

When the monitoring time is over, you'll return the receiver and diary. The receiver's and diary's details will be downloaded to a server, and the findings will be analyzed.

Reference: Bravo pH Test: What It Is, How It’s Done & Risks. (n.d.). Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved May 12, 2021, from